Thursday, September 26, 2013

Myers-Briggs test and Affirmation due FRI, 9/27

Hi everyone.

Three steps to complete for Friday's blog:

1.) Take the Myers-Briggs test by clicking the link below and answering the questions:
Myers-Briggs free test

2.) Once you're done, you should see a four letter acronym come up, like "ENFJ." 

Pay attention to the percentages noted for each letter, and post your type with the percentages on your blog.  Then, click on the "You: Self Awareness and Personal Growth" link and read what it says about your specific profile:

Copy and paste any especially relevant pieces onto your blog, and provide follow up commentary about what you think about the results.  If there is anything that seems decidedly UNLIKE you, go ahead and copy and paste that also, and provide follow-up commentary about why you don't think it's like you.

3.) After you're done with the Myers-Briggs results portion, type up one of your favorite Affirmation Solicitations.  Write the five or so words that were written on the Affirmation, and then transcribe the paragraph that the person wrote about you.  If you want, let us know who wrote it. :)

Okay?  And then write two comments on each other's blogs over the weekend. :)
REMINDER: On Monday, you have LTs due (theme, antihero, aphorism, & archaism), the Personal Statement brainstorming (instead of a journal), two blog comments, and you need to have read the Theme chapter (p. 191-198) in your textbooks.  Also, please bring the rest of your Affirmations on Monday to be checked off.
Information about the four categories of M-B letters:
How do you recharge when you're tired?  With people, or by yourself?
E= extrovert (you gather energy by being with people)
I = introvert (you gather energy by being by yourself)

What kind of information do you trust and employ?
N = intuitive (you're comfortable with theories, philosophies, and hypotheses-- more abstract ideas)
S = sensing (you're comfortable with information you can experience through your five senses-- basically, stuff you can see and hear, hard facts.)

How do you make decisions?
F= feeling (you are an emotional decision maker)
T = thinking (you are a logical decision maker)

What is your work tendency?
J = judging (You are detail oriented, love organization, and appreciate plans and structure)
P = perceiving (You are more big-picture, are comfortable improvising on the fly, and enjoy impromptu adventures.  You like variation rather than routines.) 

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